Sunday 23 November 2014

Dreamers create a world of their own

                                    America,once struck by the virtues of racial discrimination now is a noteworthy example of harmony and equality between the blacks and the whites. The President of The United States back then had dreamed of eradicating racism from its roots and became the Father of America-Abraham Lincoln. A man of his principles, straightforward and down to earth Mahatma Gandhi had dreamed of a free India. Somewhere on the grounds of Mumbai a small little boy dreamed of being a part of the Indian cricket he is known as the "God of cricket-Sachin Tendulkar". who are all these people?? They are real dreams.
                                   All of see dreams but not real dreams! The basic difference between dreams and real dreams is that dreams are those which you see in your sleep but real dreams are those which don't let you sleep. Not to mention, Nelson Mandela was also a real dreamer. Seeing dreams is not enough you even have to achieve them with hard work coupled with consistency. This concludes that dreams and persistence go hand in hand i.e. if you want to achieve your dreams you are bound to work hard. So, "Dream with your eyes closed but live them with your eyes wide open"
                                                                   BONNE CHANCE

Perseverance is the key to success

 Abraham Lincoln once said," I am a slow walker but I don't walk back". When a child learns to stand and tries to walk, he is found to fall again and again. But by instinct and nature, he gets up again and tries to walk forward but falls again and again. But finally he succeeds in walking. We all love chocolates and chocolate has only one correspondence-"Hershey". Milton Hershey dropped out from school in the 4th standard, opened three unsuccessful candy companies. However he became the owner of the topmost chocolate company. J.K.Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers and 1 of them also asked her to give up writing and find "a day job". Walt Disney lacked creativity and was not even able to pay for a hot dog. But then what made them what they are today!!
                          Their perseverance is their key to success. Perseverance is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration "No one succeeds without effort...Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance", said Ramana Maharashi .Our problems are so colossal but if we persist we can really work wonders!!So what are planning to become-the next Walt Disney or J.K.Rowling?

Monday 17 November 2014

All that glitters is not gold

 All that glitters is not gold, 
not all those who wander are lost,
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by frost.                                                -J.R.R.Tolkien

Physical appearance has always been of great importance for human beings.but you always cannot judge anything by its outward appearance. Take the life of a celebrity for example - It may seem like they live a good life; but in reality they are constantly hounded for autographs and have no privacy.
In one of his plays, Shakespeare narrates a scene where Morocco is sent a sparkling scroll.seeing its appearance morocco reads its scroll and loses his chance to save his friend. That is where Shakespeare mentions,"All that glitters is not gold, You have often heard that said, Many men have sold their souls, Just to view my shiny surface, But gilded tombs contain worms.
Not everything that looks valuable on the surface is actually valuable. A bright facade on a house can conceal a rotting foundation. Makeup can conceal age and illness. A bright smile can hide deceit and hostility. Appearances can be deceiving.The most well-known example is fool's gold (iron pyrite). A bright shiny rock that looks like polished gold, but is in fact worthless. Indeed, true gold is a dull color, and may not look valuable at all to the ignorant.Whenever a character is deceived by surface appearances into overestimating the value of something this trope is in play.In works that wish to teach the Aesop that material wealth is not the true wealth we should seek for, it might be actual gold and jewels that "glitter" and deceive characters into choosing them over less obvious wealth such as love or honor.
Hence,it is always rightly said that,