Perseverance is the key to success
Abraham Lincoln once said," I am a slow walker but I don't walk back". When a child learns to stand and tries to walk, he is found to fall again and again. But by instinct and nature, he gets up again and tries to walk forward but falls again and again. But finally he succeeds in walking. We all love chocolates and chocolate has only one correspondence-"Hershey". Milton Hershey dropped out from school in the 4th standard, opened three unsuccessful candy companies. However he became the owner of the topmost chocolate company. J.K.Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers and 1 of them also asked her to give up writing and find "a day job". Walt Disney lacked creativity and was not even able to pay for a hot dog. But then what made them what they are today!!
Their perseverance is their key to success. Perseverance is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration "No one succeeds without effort...Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance", said Ramana Maharashi .Our problems are so colossal but if we persist we can really work wonders!!So what are planning to become-the next Walt Disney or J.K.Rowling?
Their perseverance is their key to success. Perseverance is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration "No one succeeds without effort...Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance", said Ramana Maharashi .Our problems are so colossal but if we persist we can really work wonders!!So what are planning to become-the next Walt Disney or J.K.Rowling?
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